Main Entry: evis·cer·ate
Pronunciation: \i-ˈvi-sə-ˌrāt\
Pronunciation: \i-ˈvi-sə-ˌrāt\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): evis·cer·at·ed; evis·cer·at·ing
Etymology: Latin evisceratus, past participle of eviscerare, from e- + viscera viscera
Date: 1599
transitive verb 1 a : to take out the entrails of : disembowel b : to deprive of vital content or force
2 : to remove an organ from (a patient) or the contents of (an organ)intransitive verb : to protrude through a surgical incision or suffer protrusion of a part through an incision
Oh Monica. My thoughts and prayers are with you.